The University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine is currently recruiting dogs prone to recurrent bacterial otitis, temporarily free of ear infections.
Enrollment Status: Currently Enrolling
Inclusion Criteria: Any client-owned dog with a history of recurrent ear infections (three or more infections in a year, with a relapse rate no longer than four months) temporarily free of ear infections. The dog must stop taking oral and/or topical antibiotics two weeks prior to enrolling in the study. The owner and dog must be able to come to the clinic once a month for six consecutive months. If dog(s) are taking systemic itch drugs, such as Apoquel, Atopica (cyclosporin), Cytopoint, etc, they need to stay in that regimen throughout the study.
Exclusion Criteria: Dogs currently using systemic antibiotics and dogs with active flares of otitis.
Treatment: Enrolled dogs will receive either a placebo or the treatment group. Each dog will have an initial ear evaluation. Each owner is responsible for applying 5 mL of flush in each ear canal twice a week. Monthly appointments should be scheduled for six months. Owners will be required to maintain their pet on a stable flea/tick prevention and maintain their diet and environment.
Cost: The study covers the cost of dermatological exams and the study treatment or placebo. In case any rescue medication administration is needed, those costs will also be covered. There are no additional costs. An estimate of costs that the owner will be responsible for will be made available at the time of admission.
Contact: Contact study coordinator Nathalie Munguia at NMUNGUIA@UFL.EDU to schedule an appointment or fill out the Study Interest Form.
PI: Dr. Rosanna Marsella
Background: Ear infections can be harmful to both dogs and their owners. Infections can have severe consequences. Untreated chronic otitis can lead to deafness and neurological problems. Preventive measures should be taken to minimize the development and recurrence of otitis. The purpose of this study is to address the prevention of otitis. This study will investigate the efficacy of proactive use of Tris-EDTA flushes to prevent bacterial otitis in dogs otherwise prone to recurrent bacterial otitis. Owners and the investigator assessing the dogs will be unaware of group allocation. Dogs will receive an otoscopic examination and cytological assessment once a month for six months.