**Enrollment on Hold**
- Inclusion Criteria: Dogs that are scheduled to undergo a spay procedure with the UF Surgery Service.
- Exclusion Criteria: Dogs with a history of skin disease for which they receive long term or recent treatment or dogs that are unable to return for scheduled rechecks.
- Procedures: Dogs will undergo a routine spay surgery. After surgery, the dog will then will wear either a traditional Elizabethan collar (“E-collar”) or a newly available cloth body garment for a week following surgery to protect the spay incision. After a recheck of the incision at 6-8 days after surgery, the dog will then switch to the opposite product (E-collar or cloth body garment) for the next week. The second recheck will be performed 12-16 days after surgery to check the incision. At enrollment and at each recheck visit, the owner will fill out a survey regarding their experiences.
- Cost: The study will cover the cost of the cloth body garment protection device. All other costs of the spay surgery (including the E-collar) will be the responsibility of the client.
- Study Contact:If you would like to be considered for the study, please call the UF Small Animal Hospital to schedule an appointment for a spay for your dog with the Surgery Service at (352) 392-2235. For other questions regarding the study, please complete the Study Interest Form.
- Principal Investigator: Matthew Johnson, DVM, MVSc, CCRP Diplomate ACVS-SA
The Elizabethan collar (also known as “E-collar” or “cone”) is commonly used to prevent patients from self-induced trauma to their surgical incisions, such as after a spay procedure. Although it has been in use for 50 years, few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of this collar. A newer wearable cloth garment has recently been introduced to the veterinary market as a possible alternative to the use of an Elizabethan collar.
The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the Elizabethan collar or wearable cloth garment to protect the patient’s surgical incision site from self-induced trauma or other incision related complications. Additionally, the study is intended to assess the client satisfaction with the use of each product. Lastly, we would like to assess the effect of each product on the owner’s perception of the patient’s ability to perform its normal daily activities, such as leashed walks (if permitted), moving about the house or eating and drinking.