CVM Intramural Awards

CVM Intramural Awards

A call for applications occurs in both fall and spring semesters. Four types of grant proposals will be accepted, but the different types of grants will not necessarily be in competition for the same funding sources. For example, we have several endowments that support equine research, but fewer endowment funds for canine research, thus it is possible that a lower scored proposal may be funded while a higher scoring proposal is left unfunded due to the availability of targeted funds. 

1.         Seed Grants are awarded for the purpose of generating preliminary data that will enhance the prospects of funding from extramural funding sources. Seed grants must clearly identify the target funding agency and program and be submitted in the format of a grant proposal to that agency. Agency critiques must be provided with proposals aimed at correcting deficiencies in preliminary data identified in proposals denied funding by that agency.

2.         Team Building Grants are awarded for the purpose of fostering collaborations between clinical and basic science faculty. A clear road map of how the team approach will enhance the research careers of the clinical and basic research faculty member(s) should be provided.

3.         Clinical Research Grants are awarded to support research addressing clinical issues. The applicant must clearly document how the research will benefit the health and well-being of animals.  These grants are especially important to meeting goals of gifts from donors.  

4.         Specific Agency & Program Targeted Grants are awarded for support of research projects deemed to be of high importance to the research missions of the CVM and that target specific funding agencies and research programs, but applications require additional preliminary data. The applicant must clearly document the targeted extramural funding possibilities.


CVM faculty (including Instructors, Lecturers, and all Professorial and Scientist ranks) are eligible to apply. Faculty members are eligible to receive only one award each academic year.  Projects involving meaningful collaborations among faculty members representing different departments within the CVM and the University are encouraged. However, where collaboration extends outside the CVM, the Principal Investigator must be a faculty member of the CVM.  ONLY ONE APPLICATION PER PI WILL BE ACCEPTED.  If you were funded in the Spring 2022-23 Competition, you cannot apply this cycle.  If you would like to submit an amended application that was not funded in the Spring 2022-23 or in a previous cycle, you can resubmit, and please provide a one-page or less rebuttal to the grant critiques.  The rebuttal page does not count to your grant page limit.  The rebuttal cannot be more than one page.  If the current proposal is a revision of a previous submission to the CVM intramural competition, all changes must be underlined and a copy of the critiques by the CVM Research Committee attached.


Applications are generally assigned to 2 reviewers and discussed by the entire CVM Research Committee (RC). When necessary, additional expertise will be sought from faculty consultants drawn from outside the RC. The Committee will strictly confine its review to material in the written application. All committee members in attendance during the discussion of individual proposals will assign priority scores of 1 (best) to 9 (worst) to each proposal and the scores averaged. 

Applicants are strongly encouraged to follow the application guidelines. It is difficult to evaluate applications that do not state hypotheses or, when relevant, details of experimental design, methods of statistical analysis, and budget justifications have been omitted.  Faculty are encouraged to consult with colleagues in preparing their proposal.  The following criteria will be considered in the scientific evaluation and initial priority scoring of proposals by the Research Committee:

•           Significance of the problem to be explored. 

•           Prospect that the research will provide definitive answers to the hypotheses being tested. 

•           Strength of the experimental approach and the basis for evaluating results. 

•           Whether the proposed investigation is realistic within the time and budget constraints. 

•           Long-term plans for research, and where appropriate, the potential for securing future funding from external sponsors. 

•           Qualifications of the investigators to perform the work proposed. 

In addition to the foregoing criteria, the Research Committee will take into consideration the productivity of previous CVM intramural research awards by the applicants. 


Clear and concise statements are recommended.  Since proposal review will be strictly confined to the written application, applicants should pay particular attention to the completeness of their descriptions of specific aims, significance of problems to be investigated, review of pertinent background literature, experimental approach, methodologies, and data analysis. Do not assume that the reviewer will fill in missing details. Address any potential problems and pitfalls that may be encountered in the performance of your research plan and how you’ll deal with them. A well-organized proposal is much easier to review and more likely to convey a well thought-out investigational plan. 

All proposals require completion of the CVM Intramural Consolidated Research Development Award Competition face sheets (including abstract and narrative), budget (with justification), and necessary attachments (Biosketches).  Applicants should prepare and submit their research section as follows, unless an extramural format is used: 

•           Introduction for resubmissions only, not new applications (not to exceed 1 page, single-space).

•           Hypothesis, Specific Aims & Significance (not to exceed 1 page, single-space). 

•           Review of pertinent background literature (not to exceed 1 page, single space). 

•           Objectives, experimental approach, and analysis (not to exceed 4 pages, single-space). 

•           Description of facilities/environment used to conduct the research (not to exceed 1 page, single


•           Pertinent references with citation of authors, titles, journal and published dates (not to exceed 2


 The College has foundation funds to address specific diseases or conditions that impact companion animal and equine health.  We welcome applications that address any one of the stated areas. The specific areas are listed here:          

            -Equine diseases and/or problems related to thoroughbred horses;

            -Feline health   .

 If you have any questions regarding these projects, feel free to contact Dr. Robishaw.   

Proposed Budget

 Proposed budgets (see Budget Page) should be submitted in sufficient detail and be well justified to facilitate the review process. If UFVH services are to be used, you must explain use of the research discount policy in your budget and appended justification. Be advised that prior negotiation on cost with the relevant service chief(s) is often necessary to establish actual discounted costs. Requests for equipment are permitted without limitation within the budget to allow investigators to secure an essential methodology. If partial costs up to the budget maximum are requested, other sources of funding must be identified. Requests for travel to conduct the proposed research such as collection of field samples must not exceed $1,000 unless you have obtained written permission from the Associate Dean for Research to do so and have included a copy of this permission with your proposal. Travel to attend scientific meetings may be requested, but must be strongly justified. Requests for publication costs other than page charges will not be funded. Requests for technician’s salary will not be granted; however, requests for OPS support will be granted if fully justified by the Principal Investigator and the PI’s Department Chair. As these are internally funded, do not include IDCs. Budgets should reflect funds needed for a period of one year in order to complete the proposed research objectives. 

 Applications that are revisions of a previous submission to the CVM intramural award competition or an extramural agency should clearly identify any changes in the current proposal by underlining these sections. Where available, the Research Committee’s or extramural agency’s critique of the denied proposal should be included. An explanation of major changes in approach, data analysis or other aspect can be included in a cover letter to the proposal if you wish. The Research Committee attempts to assess improvements in proposals, which are clearly expected. Failure to address all issues raised by previous reviewers will almost certainly guarantee your proposal’s disapproval.

 Applications in the form of an extramural grant proposal should clearly explain how the intramural funding, if awarded, will be used to support the extramural grant application. This should be accomplished within the budget justification, appended to the budget page, and an explanation provided in a cover letter to the proposal.

Please provide enough detail so that the reviewers will be able to clearly understand how the funding will be spent and what will accomplished. 

 Proposals involving any animal species are permitted.  

If your proposal involves experimental animal use, you need to obtain approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). It is also expected that you will obtain approval from the CVM VHRRC for clinical investigations using UFVH patients in addition to the approval of the relevant Chief of Staff. A copy of all relevant approval applications should be appended to the proposal, including a copy of any client consent form. 

 A new component to the submission process is the assurance that the PI will provide a short progress report 90 days prior to the conclusion of the funded work.  The reports will help monitor the PI’s overall success rate in obtaining extramural funding and for foundation accounts, and to supply donors with suitable information on how the funds were used     .

How to Apply

 Applications will be accepted only in electronic format. The deadline for receipt of all proposals for this competition is Wednesday, October 11, 2023.  Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research & Graduate Studies (either and/or by 5:00pm.  It is anticipated that the Review Committee will meet about 2-4 weeks after the deadline date.  Written critiques of proposals will be completed and sent to applicants soon thereafter. Funds are released as soon as all follow-up paperwork is completed.  Note that funding of a project is for 1 year, even though short no-cost extensions can be requested from the Associate Dean for Research.


As part of both the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and the Academic Health Center, Veterinary Medicine is dedicated to advancing animal, human and environmental health through teaching, research, extension and patient care.


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