UF College of Veterinary Medicine Research and Phi Zeta Celebration

April 24 & 25, 2025

Phi Zeta Annual Research & Celebration

Location: Banfield Auditorium

phi zeta

We are excited about announcing the annual UF College of Veterinary Medicine Research and Phi Zeta Celebration!  Please save the dates of April 24 and 25 for attending.

The program begins with a Poster presentation reception in the Banfield Auditorium on April 24, from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. This is an opportunity to showcase your research accomplishments over the past year. All faculty, staff, graduate students, post docs, residents, fellows, interns, veterinary students, and research technicians are invited and encouraged to display posters. Students competing for Top Dog or Best in Show can also display a poster on Thursday, but it will not be judged or be eligible for a poster prize. On April 25, Top Dog, Best-in-Show, and guest lecture will take place in the Banfield Auditorium. Lunch will be served and awards presented afterwards.

April 24, 2025 the poster competition will consist of six categories:

  • Undergrads (1st place only)
  • DVM Students (1st, 2nd, 3rd place)
  • Interns/Residents (1st,2nd,3rd place)
  • Graduate Students/MS:Residents (1st, 2nd, 3rd place)
  • Postdoc Fellows (1st, 2nd, 3rd place)
  • VetMed Research Staff (1st,2nd,3rd place)

Prizes will be awarded to the top 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place posters in each category as follows:

  • First Place – $150
  • Second Place – $125
  • Third Place – $75

April 25, 2025 will consist of the Top Dog DVM Student and Best-In-Show Graduate Student Oral Competitions at the Banfield Auditorium, starting at 8.50 AM.

The Top Dog Competition will consist of one representative from each class year (2025, 2026, 2027, 2028). The four selected DVM students will go onto compete in the overall Top Dog competition.

The Best-In-Show Competition will consist of one representative from each department (CDPM, IDI, LACS, PS, SACS). The five selected graduate students will go onto compete in the overall Best in Show competition.

Prizes will be awarded to overall Top Dog and Best-In-Show winners as follows:

  • First Place – $1,500
  • Second Place – $1,000
  • Third Place – $500

Abstract Submissions

Abstracts for Top Dog Oral Presentations, Best in Show Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations must be submitted via e-mail to CVM ORGS hernandezja@ufl.edu, selected DVM Class President (Top Dog), selected Department Graduate Coordinators (Best in Show), and via our Qualtrics Survey by February 24, 2025.


Undergraduate students, DVM students, Interns, Residents, MS students, MS:Residents, PhD students, and postdoc fellows from UF CVM (or from other universities or UF academic units who are mentored by a UF CVM faculty member) are eligible to participate in selected categories for Top Dog, Best in Show, or Poster presentations/competitions.

Oral Presentations

TOP DOG (TD). Each CVM Student Class will organize a TD competition at the Class level during the week of February 10-14, 2025. The President of each Class (or a designated DVM student in each Class) is responsible for the organization of the TG competition in coordination with CVM OASA and CVM ORGS hernandezja@ufl.edu. The President (or designated rep) will inform/announce the winner in each class to CVM OASA and CVM ORGS the following Monday. In general, oral presentations are 12 minutes long followed by three minutes for Q&A. The winner in each Class advances to the TD competition at the College level on April 25, 2025. Oral Presentation Evaluation Form includes elements of oral presentations that will be used by designated judges to assess quality of TD presentations.

Each CVM academic department will organize an internal BIS competition at the Department level during the week of February 10-14, 2025. The VGSA President and the designated Department Graduate Coordinator are responsible for the organization of the BIS competition in coordination with CVM ORGS hernandezja@ufl.edu. The Department Graduate Coordinator (or designated rep) will inform/announce the winner in each department to CVM ORGS the following Monday. In general, oral presentations are 12 minutes long followed by three minutes for Q&A. The winner in each Department advances to the BIS competition at the College level. Oral Presentation Evaluation Form includes elements of oral presentations that will be used by designated judges to assess quality of BIS presentations.

Authors who were not selected to advance to the TD or BIS competition/s at the College level can still present their research for best poster presentation.

For further coordination, the author must reach out to CVM ORGS hernandezja@ufl.edu by February 21, 2025.


CVM will provide floor poster display stands/boards: Recommended poster size is 36 in x 50 in. Each poster board will be identified with a unique poster number assigned to each selected Abstract. Pins will be provided to attach your poster to a designated poster board. The size of your poster should fit on poster boards provided for this event. Text should be visible from 3-4 feet. Poster Presentation Evaluation Form includes elements of poster appearance, content, and delivery that will be used by designated judges to assess quality of poster presentations.

There are several options on campus or nearby including: UFIT Charged Printing Services https://print.at.ufl.edu/ and Target Copy 1412 W University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603 | T 352 376 3826. UF CVM does not provide funding to pay for printing costs; please consult with your principal investigator.

Your poster should be set up at the venue between 2.00pm-3.45pm. The venue (Banfield Auditorium) is located in the Small Animal Hospital, 3rd floor. Poster presentations will be held from 4.00pm to 6.00pm (sharp).

Posters must be picked up by 6:30PM; all remaining posters not claimed at the end of the event will not be saved.

Due to limited space and poster boards abstracts/posters associated with authors who cannot present in-person are not accepted for display—unless the main author can identify and confirm a co-author who can present as a substitute.

2024 Winners



As part of both the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and the Academic Health Center, Veterinary Medicine is dedicated to advancing animal, human and environmental health through teaching, research, extension and patient care.


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