- To foster an environment which encourages excellence in graduate research, scientific ethics, and exchange of ideas
- To increase communication and promote fellowship among College of Veterinary Medicine graduate students and faculty
- To provide graduate students with a forum in which to present academic and professional opportunities or concerns to the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the College of Veterinary Medicine
- President: Chaitanya Gottapu (Chai)
- Vice President: Neelawala Gedara Roshen Niyomal Neelawala (Roshen)
- Secretary: Ahmad Ali
- Treasurer: Keita Kitagawa
- Social Chair: Kaylie Anne Costa
- Webmaster: Na Sun
Chaitanya Gottapu
Neelawala Gedara Roshen N Neelawala
Keita Kitagawa
Ahmad Ali
Na Sun
Fall Schedule
Contact us
Join our Facebook page for news, want ads, social gatherings, and more!
If you have a question or concern involving current graduate students, email us at ufcvmvgsa@gmail.com