MS Student
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Major Advisor: Domenico Santoro, DVM, DACVD, DAVCM, PhD; Dunbar Gram, DVM, DACVD
Office Location: SACS, PO Box 100126, Gainesville, FL 32610
(517) 575-5374
- DVM – Universitas Airlangga, 2014
Honors & Awards
- University of Florida, Fulbright Scholar (2018)
- Universitas Airlangga, graduated cum laude (2014)
- Veterinary Medicine Outstanding Student, runner up (2011)
Research Interests
The center of my research is in veterinary dermatology education. My current project is focusing on the use of learning technology for veterinary dermatology education, specifically by using an online adaptive learning platform as a novel way of teaching veterinary dermatoloy for veterinary students in their clinical dermatology rotation.
- Prevalence of Feline Sarcoptic Infestation of Cat Skin Diseases in Airlangga University Veterinary Teaching Hospital at 2012 – VetMedika Jurnal Klinik Veteriner, Vol. 1 / No. 2 / p56-61/ Pub.2013-06
About Me
I obtained my veterinary degree from Airlangga University, Indonesia in 2014. Following graduation, I practiced small animal medicine for approximately three years in Indonesia before starting a master’s degree in 2018 with the Fulbright grant. My clinical interest is in small animal dermatology, and my research interests are in small animal dermatology and veterinary medical education.