Publication grants provided by the Veterinary Graduate Student Association (VGSA) will be in the form of up to $600 per application, disbursed as a reimbursement for publication expenses. This amount is intended to alleviate costs incurred in publishing research completed during pursuit of a graduate degree within the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. Research completed as part of a prior degree or after graduation from UF CVM is ineligible for a grant.
Please keep all invoices associated with publication costs and submit them to the VGSA for record-keeping. Reimbursement will not be given without a valid invoice. Applicants are limited to one VGSA publication grant per academic year.
As the amount of money the VGSA has available for student publications is limited, we encourage you to pursue other sources of funding prior to applying through the VGSA. Your academic advisor(s)/mentor(s) as well as department chair(s) will be able to assist you in identifying publication funding for which you may be eligible. Please be aware, an application may be denied funding even if it follows all instructions and deadlines provided due to limited funds.
Grants will be awarded towards the end of each academic semester. One grant will be awarded during each semester of the academic year. Applications may be submitted any time after a manuscript has been accepted for publication, although funds cannot be distributed until a valid invoice of expenses is provided. Additionally, applications from graduating students can be submitted up to three months after their graduation date. The manuscript must have been accepted by the time of application in all cases.
Publication grant awardees will be required to give a five-minute presentation about their publication at a VGSA General Body meeting. The awardee will be responsible for scheduling this presentation with the VGSA officers, and will be expected to be proactive in requesting a time to present. This presentation is a requirement for the award.
To be eligible for a VGSA publication grant, you must be a graduate student in the UF CVM. Applications will be prioritized in the following manner:
- The publication must list the student in question as the first author.
- Preference will be given to works that represent the student’s first publication as a graduate student in the UF CVM.
- Priority will be given to students who have not previously received a publication grant from the VGSA.
- Applying for other aid from other funding sources will increase likelihood of application’s success.
- Preference will be given to students in labs that have exhausted publication cost money from research grants from their own labs.
- Active membership in the UF VGSA will increase the likelihood of your application’s success. Because these grants are intended to support members of and encourage membership in our organization, priority will be given to those who actively participate in it. Participation will be measured by attendance at our monthly meetings, as well as at our planned activities and socials. Individual students are responsible for signing-in on the attendance roster at each event to account for their participation. Table I outlines a variety of activities that are put on by the VGSA and which count towards your participation.
Table I. Participation point rubric.
- Activity
- Attending meetings (At least 4 General Body Meetings)
- Attending social events (At least 1 Social/Event)
- Volunteering as an officer
- Volunteering as a GSC liaison
- Volunteering to assist with events
- Liking the Facebook page, Collegiate Link page, and joining the Linked in Group
- Updating Facebook profile with VGSA-related news or event
- Getting photo taken for our composite photo
Please submit the following:
- This form completed and signed by the applicant and applicant’s supervisor. Please fill out the section regarding justification/explanation for applying for the grant.
- An abstract for your publication, along with author string and journal information. This abstract will be posted on the VGSA website.
- An invoice of publication costs. If you have not yet received an invoice from your publisher, please estimate costs below and submit the invoice when available. VGSA funds cannot be disbursed without said invoice.
The application should be submitted electronically to the VGSA email account ( Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of the current VGSA treasurer, faculty advisor, and the UF CVM Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies.
Questions regarding applications can be forwarded to the VGSA treasurer:
** Falsifying this information may result in (1) ineligibility to receive VGSA monetary awards indefinitely, and (2) notification of fraudulence provided to your department and the Student Honor Court, which may result in expulsion from the University of Florida.