UF CVM will offer up to nine competitive block-grant awards to support new PhD students who start in Fall 2025. Each award will pay tuition, service fees and stipend at an annual base rate of $35,000 per year (plus Fringe and Benefits, 11.8%) for four years.
CVM Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS) will accept Fall 2025 PhD applications (for selection of block grant recipients) until December 15, 2024. The review and ranking of applications will be completed by January 31, 2025. CVM ORGS will confirm and inform selected award recipients and designed major professors by February 15, 2025.
Block Grant Trainee Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must have mentors with strong research and mentorship qualifications and necessary financial support.
- Applicants must have strong academic credentials and excellent communication skills.
- Applicants must commit to teaching assignments and research training requirements of the program.
- Applicants must demonstrate an interest in developing a multidisciplinary career in research.
Block Grant Trainee Expectations
Prior to graduation, trainees will accomplish the following:
- Work with mentor to establish a “flight plan” for success
- Prepare an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in the first semester and submit on annual basis thereafter
- Participate in a clinical-translational team and design at least one related aim for thesis dissertation
- Attend at least six career & professional development events each year
- Participate in program activities
- Present research at the annual Phi Zeta conference each year
- Publish peer reviewed paper
- Complete all degree requirements
The ranking of applicants will be based using the following criteria:
[A] Applicant’s academic and professional credentials: Academic degree(s) (BS, DVM or equivalent, MS, Residency) + GPA + Publications as first author or co-author + abstract presentations + Under Represented Minority applicant’s status.
[B] Applicant’s statement of purpose
[C] Three letters of reference, including letter from the designated major advisor indicating source(s) of funding to cover (a) stipend plus F&B (25%) and (b) PhD student research expenses.
[D] The designated major advisor and mentor must have strong research and mentorship qualifications and must have sufficient funding support.
[E] Ranking will be confirmed by CVM ORGS in consultation with designated major advisors.
Stipend: In each award offered, the designated major advisor will contribute to the annual stipend (25% or $8,750) plus F&B (25% or $1,085) for four years; other sources of funding identified by the major advisor or the student can be acceptable. CVM will cover 75% of the annual stipend and F&B, as well as 100% of student fees for four years.
Award recipients are appointed as Graduate Assistants (GA) with research and teaching task obligations (FTE = 0.50). As GA, the PhD student will engage in TA support in the DVM program and/or graduate program in selected courses in Spring or Fall semesters annually for four years. Teaching Assistantships are assigned by CVM ORGS in coordination with CVM Office of Academic and Student Affairs, and in consultation with the designated major advisor and selected course coordinator(s).
Block Grant Trainee Expectations (please see schedule below).

For more information, please contact hernandezja@ufl.edu