FY 2024-2025
Undergraduate students at the University of Florida who wish to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Veterinary Medicine are eligible to compete for a University Scholars Program award provided they have maintained an overall GPA of 3.2 or better and will not earn their bachelor’s degree before Spring graduation 2025.
Interested students need to contact a faculty member with whom they would like to conduct research; a list of faculty research interests is found in a table appearing below. Students must then complete the University Scholars Program application form.
The College of Veterinary Medicine will accept applications/nominations for students up to but not later than February 23, 2024. Application packets should be emailed to the Office of Research & Graduate Studies (robishawj@ufl.edu). The application packet must include:
- Completed University Scholars application form.
- A supporting letter from the faculty mentor.
- An official copy of the student’s undergraduate transcripts, including a cumulative GPA.
- A typed summary of the proposed research project (maximum one page).
- A statement of expected graduation.
Selection Process
Awardees will be selected by the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Research Committee and the Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies. The student and faculty mentor will be notified of the selection in March and students will receive an e-mail from the University Scholars Program indicating final acceptance or non-acceptance into the UF program. Students not selected should consider pursuing their proposed research projects with their mentors to obtain credit toward Honors Research recognition.
Stipends and Travel
Selected University Scholars will be awarded a stipend. Each award is a student stipend in the total amount of $1,750 for supervised research, payable as two payments, $750 at the beginning of Fall and $1000 at the end of Spring. Faculty mentors receive $500 that can be used for travel or research-related items. Students must be registered for at least one credit of undergraduate research at UF during Summer A or C to be paid a stipend.
Expectations and Requirements during the University Scholars Program
Students selected for this year’s USP awards will need to attend the orientation in conjunction with this year’s symposium. Students must begin their research starting the Summer semester, and the exact start time and commitment should be discussed with the students’ mentors prior to submitting their application. Research must be conducted for the entire summer semester and continue throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.
The College of Veterinary Medicine requires that each student take 1-5 hrs of course work (e.g., VME4906 Problems in Veterinary Science) during the summer while working on their scholars’ project. Students must register for this course by emailing the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Research & Graduate Studies (robishawj@ufl.edu); Please include your UFID and mentor in the email.
Students must be in good standing to receive their second stipend payment. To be in good standing, a student must:
- Complete the online profile and project description form and have their photo taken, as required by the USP program.
- Complete all required documentation, remain in good-standing, and receive a positive progress report from the faculty mentor.
- Submit a typed final report of the research project to their mentor.
- Submit a final report for publication, either in The Journal of Undergraduate Research or an appropriate journal.
- Present the results of the research at the University Scholars Undergraduate Research Symposium. .
Students not fulfilling these requirements can expect a financial hold on their academic record and may be required to repay the stipend for not completing the University Scholars Program.
For additional information please contact the Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR@aa.ufl.edu) or College of Veterinary Medicine’s Office of Research & Graduate Studies (robishawj@ufl.edu).
Available Research Opportunities
- Aquatic Mammal Health
- Cancer – especially in dogs and cats
- Equine Health
- Immunology
- Infectious Diseases & Zoonosis
- Physiology
- Toxicology
- Vaccinology
- Zoological Medicine