UF CVM offers advanced training at the MS level to veterinarians or professionals with a bachelor’s degree.
New graduates join the professional workforce in the private sector (e.g., specialized veterinary practice in dairy herd health and reproduction, aquatic animal health), in government (wildlife disease surveillance and risk management, aquatic animal health), or pursue a PhD degree at UF or other university in the United States or abroad.
[A] Master’s Degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences (CIP 01.8101)
The UF College of Veterinary Medicine offers a Master of Science (MS) degree degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences through the college’s five departments:
- Comparative, Diagnostic and Population Medicine
- Infectious Diseases and Immunology
- Large Animal Clinical Sciences
- Physiological Sciences
- Small Animal Clinical Sciences
The Master’s degree in VMS requires completion of a research thesis and 30 credits in graduate coursework. For more information, please review the Master’s Student Handbook.
[B] Master’s degree in Preventive Veterinary Medicine (CIP 01.8110, STEM) (New)
The Master’s of Preventive Veterinary Medicine (MPVM) is a 30-credit, non-thesis, in-residence program offered by UF’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The MPVM targets veterinarians with interest in advanced education and training in management or research of diseases in livestock/wildlife populations in Florida, the United States, and globally. Main areas of emphasis are livestock health, food safety, and wildlife health.
[C] Combined MS/Residency Programs
The Departments of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, and Small Animal Clinical Sciences offer combined Master’s/Residency programs in selected disciplines. Selected applicants can pursue the Master’s in VMS or the MPVM. For more information, please consult with selected Resident Coordinators:
- Food Animal Health and Reproduction | Dr. Brittany Diehl | bn.diehl@ufl.edu
- Large Animal Surgery | Dr. Adam Biedrzycki | dradam@ufl.edu
- Small Animal Surgery | Dr. Kathleen Ham | hamk@vetmed.ufl.edu
More information on Residency and Internship Programs can be referenced here.
For More Information
For further guidance and assistance, you can reach out to our CVM Director of Graduate Education or Department Graduate Coordinators. For more information about CVM MS or PhD graduate programs, please contact Dr. Jorge Hernandez at the CVM Office of Research and Graduate Studies.