Graduate Studies Leading-edge graduate education
Our goal is to prepare the research workforce of the future in research intensive or tenure-track positions in academia or research-related occupations in the private sector or government.
Master’s Programs
UF CVM offers advanced training at the MS level to veterinarians or professionals with a bachelor’s degree. New graduates join the professional workforce in the private sector, in government, or pursue a PhD degree.
PhD Program
The PhD program in Veterinary Medical Sciences produces new graduates who join the research workforce in academia, government or the private sector in the United States or abroad.
Distance Education Programs
The UF College of Veterinary Medicine offers a MS degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a concentration in Shelter Medicine, Veterinary Forensic Sciences, and
Forensic Toxicology.
Online Graduate Certificate Programs
CVM offers six online graduate certificates programs in:
Aquatic Animal Medicine, Care & Conservation of Aquatic Animals,
Shelter Medicine, Animal Shelter Leadership, Veterinary Forensic Sciences and Forensic Toxicology.
About our Program
The University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine offers a Master’s degree and a PhD degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences (VMS) (CIP 01.8101) through the Departments of Comparative, Diagnostic & Population Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Physiological Sciences, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, and Small Animal Clinical Sciences. Since 1993, nearly 400 students have completed a MS degree or a PhD degree in VMS. In addition, more than 500 students have completed our Master’s online program in VMS with a concentration in shelter medicine, forensic toxicology, or veterinary forensic sciences.
Veterinary Graduate Student Association
The Veterinary Graduate Student Association Home Page provides a look at our graduate program as seen through the eyes of our own graduate students.